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Nutrition Program Update

Sandy Lake First Nation - February 24, 2015

In April of 2014, it was announced that Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada would be cutting the funding for the National Child Benefit program by almost half.

Since then, the NCB program, which administers the daily snack program at the schools as well as other physical activity programs throughout the community, has been operating on limited funds. Fundraising efforts have helped supplement some of the costs required to continue the snack program.

There are two funding programs that Sandy Lake administration is working towards getting approval for that would further assist in filling the gap left by the funding cuts to the NCB program.

Sandy Lake First Nation has submitted a letter to Nutrition North Canada requesting that Sandy Lake be included in its food subsidy program. This program will enable all community members to realize cost savings on certain food items at the store. A letter has also been sent to Greg Rickford, MP, Kenora, to ask for his support and advocacy for our community.

Sandy Lake First Nation has also submitted an application to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to develop its own First Nations Student Nutrition Program. If approved, program development activities will start April 2015 with the goal of securing annual funding for a nutrition program for the schools. There will be a process to gain input from community partners and members. The goal is to have the nutrition program in place for September 2015.

If you have any questions, contact David B. Fiddler, Ontario Works Administrator at 807-774-5581 or Monias Fiddler at the Band Office at 807-774-3421.
